The Weightlifter’s Journey Part 3: How Weightlifting Can Change Your Life

This week on Barbell Shrugged, our 5-part series The Weightlifter’s Journey continues with part 3, “How Weightlifting can change your life.”
On part two, we shared some key habits that will help keep life’s inevitable hurdles from derailing your weightlifting progress. This week we take the story on the road, as the Barbell Shrugged team travels deep into South Florida for the east coasts’ largest sanctioned weightlifting meets – The MIA Classic.
The bright lights of the competition platform are a thrill for any new athlete, but the sport of weightlifting is about much more than just chasing PR’s and winning meets. For those who’s journey hasn’t been quite so smooth or stellar, the barbell is more like a shot at redemption and a stronger life.
What do you do when you hit rock bottom? You let the barbell lift you back up. Welcome to The Weightlifter’s Journey, part 3.
Enjoy the show!
And please, share this post with a friend who might enjoy hearing Danny’s story. The more people who join the journey, the better.
To learn more about Danny Soul and his crew, make sure to visit Crossfit Soul Miami. You can also follow Danny on Instagram and Facebook.
Hey, always keep that PMA!
2 Responses to “The Weightlifter’s Journey Part 3: How Weightlifting Can Change Your Life”
[…] part 3 of The Weightlifters Journey we talked about the power of people, and how building a weightlifting team of your very own […]
[…] part 3, we talked to Danny Soul about finding freedom in the snatch, clean and jerk, and how […]