Fix Your Squat: Part 1- Ankle Mobility for Squatting w/ Dr. Aaron Horschig of Squat University

Fix Your Squat Part 1 | Barbell Shrugged

Stiff ankles can drastically limit your ability to get into a natural, deep squat. Weightlifting shoes with a raised heel can hide and mitigate some of that ankle stiffness to a degree but the underlying problem is still there and can lead to problems down the road.

So how do you fix your stiff ankles? Well first, you have to assess if your ankles are actually the problem. Then you need to do the right soft tissue exercises or stretches that target the problem rather than just trying a bunch of things and wasting your time.

To get started, watch this video where Dr. Aaron Horschig of Squat University walks us through his assessment for the squat and how to fix tight ankles so you can get into a perfect squat naturally.

And stay tuned for Part’s 3 and 4 and Aaron’s interview on Episode 233.



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14 Responses to “Fix Your Squat: Part 1- Ankle Mobility for Squatting w/ Dr. Aaron Horschig of Squat University”

  1. Yen

    Thanks….so timely!!!! So this segment on squats was truly a gem to find in my inbox. I had just came home from a serious squat sesssion….and lets just say i was pretty disappointed in my performance. I feel like squats are definitely not my strength and always tend to compare myself. And i feel like everyone can pinch a penny from the ground with their squats and i don’t even come close. But with the great pointers from this episode (thanks again Dr. Aaron) i feel like i can improve a great significance on my squat. Looking forward to putting these tips to practice. Thanks again guys for these awesome educational segments….loving every single one… Woah woah!!!

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