How To Know When To Go Hard or Go Easy In Training w/ Zach Greenwald of Strength Ratio – Episode 229

The longer I’ve been training the more I’ve come to realize the importance of balance…especially in training.

For years I specialized and trained in one direction pushing as hard as I could without really considering the consequences. It made perfect sense at the time. I had goals and I wasn’t going to shift my focus away until I reached them. I got really strong but also really weak in some areas, creating huge imbalances.

These imbalances and the constant pushing eventually took their toll and I broke.

I wasn’t able to find balance and understanding of how hard I could go until I started working with Zach Greenwald and I’m really excited for you to learn from him.

This week we’ll talk with Zach Greenwald about the importance of being balanced, not just in your strength but in all aspects of fitness. Basically, how to be specialized but not suck at any one thing.


We’ll also talk about how to train to bring up weaknesses and deficiencies, how to measure and assess your imbalances, and also how to objectively measure when it’s ok to push hard or back off in your training.

There’s a lot of information in this episode but keep the general concepts in mind as you listen. And if you have specific questions for Zach drop a comment below.




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