Do More of What Makes You Stronger: The Eleiko Barbell Story – EPISODE 155


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This week on Barbell Shrugged we have a very special episode for you. We fly half-way around the world to Sweden to find out how the world’s finest barbells are made.

Here’s a hint – It takes a lot more than just great steel.

We didn’t know what to expect when we first landed in Halmstad, the small west coast town that Eleiko calls home. Of course the weather would be cold, and we guessed there would be large warehouses stacked high with chrome bars, heavy discs and lots manufacturing equipment. That all turned out to be true, but it doesn’t really explain much about Eleiko’s success.

The real story is that it takes much more to be world-class. In this case, you need a true family effort to keep getting stronger and better year after year.


Great business are anchored in passion and love. They usually have a long history of experiment and refinement, and very tight standards that only seem to get higher and higher with time.

I cannot think of a better way to summarize the Eleiko story.

Yes, you need the strongest steel and precise manufacturing processes to make a great bar, but without amazing, driven people you have nothing. This business is all about family, and that famous knurled steel lies right at the heart of it.


Photo credit: Josh Homes photography

We had an amazing time with our new Eleiko family. But much more than that, I can now say that we are leaving Sweden with a brand new definition of what it means to be strong.

The best equipment is indeed born from the strongest steel, but the real secret is everything else. It’s the intricacy of the knurling. The fine finish and spin of the collars. The incredible precision, balance, and fit between every single component. And most importantly, it’s the craftsman taking ultimate pride in the manufactured result.

That family effort makes Eleiko equipment world class. That’s what makes champions.

Our expectations are now raised. We can work harder and get better. We can give more. Really, we still have a lot of room to get stronger. It’s amazing, but after all these years the barbell still has plenty to teach us. The Eleiko mission statement says it all.

“Set your bar high, be kind, and do more of what makes you stronger.”

I hope you enjoy the show.




For more

  • To learn more, check out Eleiko Sport.
  • To keep up with the very latest in Weightlifting, and to see some really awesome images, make sure to follow Eleiko on Instagram.

37 Responses to “Do More of What Makes You Stronger: The Eleiko Barbell Story – EPISODE 155”

  1. kyle

    Best Episode Yet!!!
    Really enjoyed the technique WOD, would like to see more like this!!!

  2. Matthew Forrester

    How much more passion and quality could you ask for from ANY company? What an epic movement these guys have been a part of and the sheer intelligent simple quality of knowledge layed out in the technique wod just jumps Eleiko that much higher. The look on your faces when he is speaking says it all as to the passion that man has. Fantastic Epidode!

  3. Joe

    Did you get any more information you could share about the XF bars and bumpers? I saw the grip difference was discussed, but what about the bearings, I see they use 2 needle and 4 bearings in those bars. What’s the reasoning behind mixing bearing types?

    What about the XF black bumpers, besides being more accurate weights, are there any other quality factors that should be evaluated when looking into these kind of bumpers?


    • CTP

      Yo! Next week Erik joins us briefly again to talk Barbell etiquette and in that conversation I’m pretty sure the XF bars come up! Stay tuned!

  4. Conor

    Really incredible episode everyone. The fit and finish of this felt like a step up from the usual. Thank you.

  5. Bob Spears

    Best episode yet! Please do more technique wods just like this one. It was fantastic to watch him coaching. Are you considering visiting any other manufacturers (like maybe Rogue)?

  6. Casey Horrigan

    Hey guys, really really enjoyed this episode and wanted to say that I love the new filming style! I was really impressed with the quality of the video. As good a documentary. Keep up the great work and looking forward to seeing next weeks episode!

  7. Julian Munoz

    Great episode all around! I particularly liked the technique WOD and the part where you talked with the coach. I found it to be very insightful. Would love to pick thar guys brain!

  8. Pepe

    Wow, what an episode. The passion you guys have is motivation in itself, but to see it in a company from the top down speaks VOLUMES. The best part about this is that the average joes like myself can relate to the passion and know that having fun is what its really all about. To say this episode is the best one yet is understatement. Ill probably watch it again in another day or so!

  9. Moses

    INCREDIBLE!! WOW what can I say have been enjoying the show for a year and will continue to watch and spread the word. Cant wait for next week.

  10. Clay More

    Only problem is How are you going to do an episode of higher enlightenment than this one? Thanks for travelling half way around the planet so you could share some very much needed wisdom! It may take some time but you will no doubt come up with other episodes containing such EUREKA moments, until then, Happy Holidays to you all!

  11. Forrest Sparks

    Agreed with the other comments. Big step up guys good job. Really liked the change in cinematography, and the technique wod was great, would definitely like to see more like this.

  12. Danny Bostwick

    Thank you guys. This was a phenomenal hour and a half. I am now saving for an elieko bar!

  13. David

    Thank you for sharing this with us. This was beautiful, insightful and just downright awesome. You made us feel as if we were in the factory with you guys. Best episode yet. Looking forward to more like this! Cheers

  14. Nicole Hunt

    What a great episode! The “Eleiko guys” are amazing and inspirational. Love their company mottos, especially kindness, seems like such great words to live by.

  15. Nick

    Amazing episode! Love the flow & production of this episode versus all your previous ones. Keep up the awesome work!

  16. Ammo

    I’m loving your episodes. Image quality on this one was stellar. Just in time for Ms. Abbott!
    I can’t seem to find the video link of Doug dropping a bar on his head though. I was hoping you would post it. Thanks!

  17. Greg

    Great episode. Best yet. It was pretty cool to hear Doug mention my coach Lou DeMarco as well!

  18. Janet

    It’s inspiring to see a place where the making of elite tools is held in such high respect and love. Keep these episodes coming. A big thanks to Christmas for allowing us to see her training session-extremely informative as to what it takes to really elevate one’s lifting (pun intended!). Brilliant episode guys.

  19. Dan

    This was a very well made episode. I feel like I was watching a documentary. I loved the technique WOD, by the way. Great work!

  20. Justin

    Best episode yet. Great production, very insightful information and principles to apply. Side not: it would be awesome if you guys could get weightlifter Derrick Johnson on a podcast.

  21. Chad Price

    Best episode to date, a lot of knowledge bombs spoken with such few words by Anders!!!! Keep up the great work!!!

  22. Danjo

    I can’t pinpont why this was my favorite episode but the montage w/Sigur Ros was awesome. Since watching this episode I purchased my own bar and I treat it like my child. Thank guys!

  23. Jared

    I’ve been binge watching episodes of your show on Youtube and this is the best episode by far. I really love the travel show documentary aspect. Keep up the good work.

  24. jane dutton

    Hey guys — I am writing an article for the Africa Guardian on podcasts and this one features fitness.
    I love your pod!
    Any chance i can interview or send you questions
    Let me know
    My deadline is this wed
    Thanks a lot


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