How to build your legacy, with Cory Gregory


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Cory Gregory shared his story of rising from coal miner to co-founder of MusclePharm on episode 170 of Barbell Shrugged. If you haven’t heard it, go back and listen. It’s an incredible story, and to be honest, an incredible kick in the ass for those needing some inspiration.

This week on Barbell Business we continue the discussion and share some of the essential daily habits you MUST  cultivate if you want to do big things in business and life.

Here’s a hint – There are no secrets to finding success. No shortcuts. No magic programs. This is something you have to earn with exertion and time. But you can earn it. In fact, do all of the work and you probably will.

Start here with some of Cory’s best lessons.

Found a home away from home @amphardcoregym

A photo posted by cory gregory (@musclepharmpres) on


Who’s got your back? 

Cory is up early every single day. He keeps a seven-day work and training schedule, continuously pushing his body and mind as hard as possible. That’s where the rapid growth and success start, but there’s something you must know. 

You can’t do this sort of thing all on your own. 

The entrepreneurial path is tough, make no mistake. If you want to exponentially increase your chances, build a team. Enjoy your time with family and lean on them when you need their support. As Cory will tell you, his wife and kids are more than enough to drive and support his vision at MusclePharm. 

Prosper through ritual.

You need a morning ritual.  Look around and you’ll find that most business and thought leaders long ago learned to boost and multiply their productivity through daily practice.  You aren’t exceptional, right?

If Tim Cook, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Pope all have a morning ritual, so should you! Again, start with Cory as an example and see how this compares to your typical day:

  • Rise between 3:50-4:10 a.m. every day.
  • Train heavy and hard. If you listen to Barbell Shrugged, you’ll know that every session includes tough squats and long lunges.
  • Study hard, too. You pushed your body. Why not also refine and grow your mind? Sit down for a while after your barbell practice. Review your goals for the day. Read. Think about what’s important to you and what you want to accomplish.
  • After a few minutes of quiet, begin your work with a clear agenda and steady, primed mind. That’s the best productivity boost you can possibly experience.

Keep this ritual up daily, monthly and annually, and in just 10 years it will be impossible for anyone to catch you, at least within your business and area of expertise.  That’s the power of daily habit.  

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Buy this book.

Get blue collar. 

Cory had very little early on. In fact, on the show he recalled shoveling snow from his trailer park bedroom years ago. That’s right, the ceiling had a giant crack. 

When you emerge from those types of conditions you know struggle and discomfort very well. You fear little. And you certainly aren’t turned off by the idea of work, far from it. 

As Cory will tell you, the natural thing for a coal-miner is to defer reward and work today. That’s how you build a better future for yourself and your family. 

Are you in your 20’s and 30’s? Looking to make a name, and grow your own business? That’s great! You can have it all, but not if you think it comes with paid weekends off and a few vacations every year. That’s delusion. 

Grind away until work is routine, natural, and pleasurable. You can rest and find balance later down the road. 

Why I love snapchat ha! Add me today :musclepharmpres A photo posted by cory gregory (@musclepharmpres) on


Find the G’s.

Go out and find amazing athletes, coaches and gym owners that you can learn from. It’s very simple, folks. Surround yourself with amazing people and you’ll get better and better every single day.

Pro-tip: The best sort of mentor is one who isn’t afraid to go against the grain of popular opinion. That’s the best sort of skill you can learn, baby.

You have nothing to fear. 

You need to work and study for years. I won’t lie, jumping out head first and unprepared is a recipe for disaster. Take your time. But once you are ready to venture out on your own you should keep something in mind…

You will NEVER feel ready for it. But that cannot stop you. Be bold and believe in yourself. Take the risk. Burn your boat. What’s the absolute worst thing that can happen?

PR Front Squat 385 … Felt easy #squateveryday @averagebroz

A video posted by cory gregory (@musclepharmpres) on


Live your business. 

If you want to do big things, you have to live your business. In fitness, that means you MUST to train hard. You cannot expect others to take you seriously and share your vision of the future if you aren’t constantly looking for ways to grow stronger and more refined yourself.

Here’s your best advice. When you open the doors of your gym, or advise a client, or write a post, whatever, your efforts must begin with something you’ve personally lived and struggled with. Do that every time you do anything. Keep at it daily, for as long as it takes. That’s how you’ll achieve something extraordinary.

Thanks for coming on, Cory. We had a blast hanging out at the Arnold.

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Business owners, you won’t want to miss it.


2 Responses to “How to build your legacy, with Cory Gregory”

  1. derrick

    If you are waking up at 3:50 to 4:10 every day, what time do you go to bed? Real question is how much sleep does Cory get? I

  2. Mike

    I had the same question. I usually get moving at 4:30 but everyone thinks I am nuts because I am asleep by 9:00 every night.

    How about a podcast on training large teams? I am a high school football coach and we train 50-100 kids at a time. Most of them are just learning to squat. Do you have any suggestions for group training with beginners?


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