Drop Everything and Train – Episode 200


“What does d3&t even mean?”

We do get asked that all the time. And sure, we haven’t defined what that Mantra truly represents to us, until now. It’s actually the perfect topic for #200, and the return of your favorite podcast.

Drop Everything and Train is easy enough to read on the back of your Barbell Shrugged Tee, but the true meaning is layers deep. It starts with an incredibly powerful principle – Any goal you’re dreaming of depends on the action you take today.

Nothing else matters.

Come training time you must drop it all – The stress of the outside world, every commitment and daydream, your social feed, even the simple dread of how you’re going to perform that day. All of it has to go.

Refocus and recommit, every day. Because there are no secrets or shortcuts for making extraordinary gains, inside the gym or out. There’s nothing to figure out, nothing to find. Ultimately, the only thing that ever really counts is you taking that action.

Drop everything that stand between you and the barbell. Today, tomorrow and daily after that. Prioritize, sharpen your focus and see for yourself. Strength follows action and nothing else.

Enjoy the show,


34 Responses to “Drop Everything and Train – Episode 200”

  1. Harry Headrick

    “Strength follows action, and nothing else” Nice! You can write, son! That line will be rattling around in my head today. I’m inspired!

  2. Nate

    Good episode. Quit letting Bledsoe pick the music for the breaks.

    Be the Change

    Nate Q.

  3. Jay

    An intro of the guys on the podcast would have been good. I didn’t know about the change until I started hearing different dudes and had no idea who they were. Also watch out for the “likes” and “you knows”. Other than that good luck fellas, still the best podcast around.

    • Chris

      We just did a whole series of posts introducing them. Also, for a first go together, they did tremendously well. I was very proud.

  4. Christy Jeffery

    Always dug the D3&T concept, and glad to see you guys encouraging others to take that same mindset. I definitely agree with a lot of points on the show, especially 1) Not skipping days because you don’t have ‘enough’ time or just don’t ‘feel like’ going. I know I’ve never ended a training sessions with the thought ‘I shouldn’t have done that,’ there is always a positive outcome. And 2) Knowing where you are today, not you from last year or you at your best. As a competitive athlete I’ve struggled with living up to expectations, worrying about others, and having the “have to” attitude like a lot of you, and I’ve made that crossover to focusing on myself and I’ve never been happier about training. If you’re in it for the long run it HAS to be fun!

    Thanks for what you do. Excited BBS is back!

    • Mike McGoldrick

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Christy! Glad you enjoyed the show and I hope you get the same out of the many more to come. Best of luck with your training!

  5. anna J

    Loved it!
    Needed this, I’m coaching and working out by myself with free time and it SUCKS. I easily get distracted, trying to re-group!
    Thanks fellas

  6. Liam

    Motivation!! Its good to see the podcast back up! Like minded people aren’t everywhere. Barbellshrugged is an incredible resource and all of my big lifts have improved steadily since I found you guys last summer!

  7. jake

    Im a big fan of Barbellshrugged. So much infomation and great motivation! Thanks for bringing it back

  8. Max Mac

    Super stoked the show is back, and even more pumped for all the content that Over Time is going to offer. The boys are back and bigger than ever!!

    • Chris

      You’re going to dig the NASA shows. Going to be an epic part 1 of 2. But also, that still leaves 3 other history documentary episodes on the way. Get ready. Part 5 I can guarantee will blow your mind.

  9. Crystal

    Favorite part in this episode was definitely when your head didn’t fit into the space helmet Chris 😛 Can’t wait to get to know these guys and see the new series as well. Thank god the podcast is back!

    • Chris

      Ha! :)

      Thank you, Crystal. And thanks for getting the vision.

      This show will deliver amazing, applicable, entertaining training info every single week. And we’re all going to be on that show, BTW. It’s just that it really is time for these minds to shine. Alex, McG, McE and Kurt are very talented, and the worlds going to take notice of that sooner than later. It’s just going to take a few weeks for folks to open up to them, but then it’ll be evident.

      On our side, Charlotte and I have put all we’ve got into Full Depth. If you’ve seen the Eleiko show, and some of the documentary style stuff we’ve done before you’ll know the direction. We’re going there, but deeper into stories and ideas. We’re pushing our skills and abilities as far as we can. In short, this is going to be something fit for your Netflix stream. I hope you dig it.

      Cheers, :)


  10. Tim Broadous

    I work for NASA here in Houston, so it’s cool to see that you guys got to experience some of the cool things out here. Great episode!

    • Chris

      Tim, we have the NASA shows 99% ready. After watching them, we are SUPER pleased. You could take it right now and stream through Netflix to VERY happy customers. This should bring a real positive effect to NASA. We can’t wait.


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