The Barbell Shrugged Thanksgiving Special w/ Mike Bledsoe, Doug Larson & Christmas Abbott

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Audio Only; iTunes/Stitcher

This week we are coming to you live from Halmstad, Sweden.

It’s Thanksgiving! Tonight, I thought I would take the opportunity to gather some of my dearest friends so that we could say thank you.

This life is a wild ride. We could not do it without the amazing support from our families, our friends, and our amazing audience.

A million times over…Thank you, thank you.

P.S. We’ve been drinking plenty of Schnapps tonight in celebration of the holiday. We get real honest, we have fun, and we share some great tips that have made all the difference for us. I think this show will help you be much more successful.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Barbell Shrugged!



10 Responses to “The Barbell Shrugged Thanksgiving Special w/ Mike Bledsoe, Doug Larson & Christmas Abbott”

  1. Kelsey

    That was.

    It was hilarious (thought the mental image of Chris as a bear it burned into my mind’s eye,) thoughtful, and sincere. I love all of you!

    I am so intrigued as to what the new format will look like. I wonder if you guys are trying out the “show” model and going more youtube based… I can’t wait to see it!

    Side note to Christmas: thanks for what you said about women taking a chance on themselves.

    I’m thankful to all of you for the information, entertainment, and care you have for people.

  2. Kevin Daly

    Is anybody else having an issue playing this episode?

    It doesn’t play from the webpage (libsyn) for me, tried in Firefox and IE. In iTunes the previous episode “The power of fight” is played when I try to play this one, and I’m not seeing it in Sticher at all (still says the most recent episode is “The power of fight”).

    Any suggestions?

    • Kevin Daly

      Never mind. Just after posting that I tried it on an Android tablet and it worked in Chrome…

  3. Brian

    Just a head’s up, I’m having playing issues as well. In iTunes, it just gives me a little ! error when I download or play it. Anyhow, looking forward to listening to it as well as the Spartan Up combo-cast.

  4. Rafael

    Amazing episode!!!

    More drug fueled chats please, oh and Christmas is my official forever woman crush.

  5. Lou~

    i try and keep my comments on the daily to a minimum, but that was an amazing podcast! i have no doubt that your success stems from how up front and honest you all are. Also how you interact and treat your fans is nothing short of inspirational.



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