Muscle Science + 2012 CrossFit Games – Dr. Andy Galpin and Mike McGoldrick – Episode 19

The Barbell Shrugged podcast crew talks to Dr. Andy Galpin PhD of Cal State Fullerton about muscle science, as well as a look back at the 2012 Reebok CrossFit games with CrossFit Central East Regionals athlete Mike McGoldrick.

Audio version on iTunes:
The Crossfit Games (0:41)
Introduction (6:10)
Andy’s Background (6:45)
Naga Tournament & WWF Moves (11:34)
Andy Competing in Weightlifting (12:41)
Doug Lifting at Arnold (14:31)
DHS Bars & Rouge (15:17)
Muscle Fiber Types (17:20)
Neurological Training & Adaptation (22:33)
Changing Fiber Types (26:13)
Staining Fiber Types & Biopsy (29:52)
Strength & VO2 Max, Lifetime Recreational Activity (34:12)
Substitute Chemical Warfare with Good Nutrition (37:36)
Back to Strength & VO2 Max (41:34)
Chris’ Strength Seminar to Andy’s Class (44:48)
Bud Charniga from Russia (46:23)
Olympic Weightlifters & Becoming Stronger (48:44)