Nutrition for Aesthetics vs. Performance vs. Health – Episode 203

Episode 203 | Barbell Shrugged


What are the key principles in nutrition and performance?

For starters, don’t worry. If you find this topic at all confusing you’d be in fine company. Many athletes struggle with this at some point on their path. There’s a lot to know, a lot to try. And tons of bullshit to cut through.

This is all part of the journey, friend.

What about specific diets? Which is best, for CrossFit® or maybe Weightlifting? Are Paleo and Primal still a thing, or is it better to be flexible and just count macro-nutrients?

This week on Barbell Shrugged, we’re helping you out by cutting through the confusion and buzz. We share or personal experience and what has worked best for us, both in our own training and with our athletes.

Above all, it’s super helpful to recognize that it doesn’t matter very much at all which approach you choose. You just have to choose one, anything reasonable, systematic and sustainable.

That last part is actually the most important lesson to learn. Ultimately, the best approach to your nutrition is the one that makes sense. The one you can see yourself sticking to, day in and day out. And yes, there should be some flexibility.

No diet should ever be set in stone. It best depends on what you want, and where you’re at in the journey. If that’s something you’re not sure of, I think this show will really help you out.


For more:

  • Need help dialing in your training and nutrition to shed body fat while increasing strength? Check out our Barbell Shredded or Barbell Bikini training programs.

7 Responses to “Nutrition for Aesthetics vs. Performance vs. Health – Episode 203”

  1. A.J.

    Have you guys seen Cory Gregory’s Anabolic Fasting program? I know he’s been on BS twice. Pretty great program.

  2. David Hurst

    Awesome, this is right there with what I asked for from that last email survey! Excited!

  3. Jeni

    Just wanted to say that these new guys you have doing the podcast are doing a really fantastic job. I’m really enjoying listening to them.

  4. Don

    Love the new faces, thanks for the fresh look at things guys. Good to see reinforcement of asking “why” you want some food dependent goal.

  5. Brendan

    Hi guys. I feel there was more content and insight in previous shows. I dont think anything was said that most people training for a few years didnt know already. i used to love watching the show as it would always leave me thinking about an aspect of my training in a different way. I havnt had that feeling in the last few episodes.
    just my opinion though. thanks guys.

  6. Lee Hall

    What nutrition advice do you guys have for chronically skinny guys that have a hard time keeping weight/ muscle on? I usualy hit three 10-20 minute metcons a week and get in three strength workouts a week. Yeah the metcons probably aren’t great for trying to grow mass but, I love that stuff. I’m 5’9 140-145. Just as there are many things that might not be realistic for someone trying to lose weight, eating to the point of uncomfortably full thoughout the day isn’t realistic for me either. Just wondering about others experience with this. Everyone talks about losing weight, but never about the skinny guy. Opinions? Links?


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