Neurohacking Your Body and Activating Your Highest Genetic Potential with Daniel Schmachtenberger – Episode 250

This week on Barbell Shrugged we are going to show you how to take your performance to the next level.
It is 2017. We are using technology, more than ever, to understand the body-mind connection and make them both stronger. This is the next level for performance and creating an optimal experience for you as an athlete. Helping us dive deep down this rabbit hole, Daniel Schmachtenberger tells us how to neurohack your athletics. Daniel is the Co-Founder and Director of R&D at Neurohacker Collective.
Use code “barbell15” to save 15% on Neurohacker supplements.
With a background in many bio science fields with a unique focus on complex systems optimization, Daniel and his team are leading the pack in designing whole systems approaches to performance and athletic enhancement without side effects.
We dive into better solutions for PRE-WORKOUT, recovery, nootropics, anti-aging practices, the cutting edge protocols for hormone optimization, and all the things you can be doing beyond the basics. We are going deeper than we ever have when it comes to performance enhancement, and make your plateau a baseline again.
Enjoy the show,
For more:
- Learn more about Neurohacker Collective here. Use code “barbell15” to save 15% on Neurohacker products and supplements.
- Subscribe to Barbell Shrugged on Youtube, Facebook and Instagram for the newest episodes and updates
5 Responses to “Neurohacking Your Body and Activating Your Highest Genetic Potential with Daniel Schmachtenberger – Episode 250”
PLEASE, especially for these super-technical talks: host a transcription.
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Nootropics are fascinating, thanks for the insight into Qualia – I’ll give it a try. Trubrain seems to be ok but not as much of a difference as I expected.
One of our sports med physicians recently did an article on SARMs. They are showing some benefit but still have an undue influence on HDL so be careful if you have cholesterol or heart disease issues.
Thanks again!
Lanny Littlejohn, MD
Please, please, please do a transcript for this one!
Awesome to see and hear this. I got a chance to meet up with both Mike and Daniel while in San Diego last week and this was an exciting listen. FYI for anyone who is interested, I broke down Qualia in an article including how you can make it yourself… and ironically it’s more expensive to do it yourself than buy it :O