Big strength from small moves – Get Change

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This week on Get Change, I have something a little different for you. Well, two things.

First up, have you ever thought about competing? Maybe it’s Weightlifting, Crossfit, Powerlifting, Spartan Races, it doesn’t matter. The best choice is the sport that excites you most.

Every day, more and more people are flooding into fitness gyms all around the world day in pursuit of strength and progress. And for the first time, many are learning how to plan and train for a specific desired outcome.

That’s huge, but it’s not everything.

In all honesty, if rapid progress and change are your goal then you really should go out and find a competition nearby. Are you likely to win? No, of course not. In fact, more than anything else you’re far more likely to be stressed and nervous, but that’s normal. It’s also more than worth it.

There are endless lessons to learn in the gym, but you stand to learn more about yourself, your training and goals in just one afternoon of competition. Please do it, if only once. You won’t regret it.

@barbellbuddha back in action ・・・ Bench.

A video posted by (@barbellshruggedpodcast) on

  Also, I’ve got a special treat for you on the second half of this week’s show. Last weekend, the entire Barbell Shrugged crew was in sunny, ultra-humid, ultra-sexy Miami, Florida for the annual MIA Classic, one of the largest and most original Weightlifting meets in the Unites States. We also made time during the event to teach a some workshops on training, nutrition, growing your gym business, you name it. I’d like play my first seminar talk for you. It’s all about accessory work, or in other words, the little exercises that your are probably skipping over in favor of sexier moves like the snatch, clean and jerk, the squat, etc. Everyone must set clear training priorities and focus on what’s most important. But you should know that skipping the small, seemingly unimportant exercises is one of the biggest mistakes you could make. No one gets super strong by cutting corners. No one can afford to pass over an opportunity to get better, even if it’s in a tiny way.  I’ll share a better mindset and approach with you. 

I hope you enjoy the show.

If you have any questions for me, just leave them in the comments below. I’d love to help out anyway I can. :)



3 Responses to “Big strength from small moves – Get Change”

  1. Tom

    Hey Chris!

    Thanks much for this short podcast on “Big strength from small moves – Get Change”! I recently incorporated a posterior chain workout (Plate and Barbell Hip Thrusters, RDLs, Good Mornings, Hip Extensions on the GHD) to help with my olympic lifts and kipping but didn’t know if it was overkill or not. So thanks for addressing and confirming the importance of the little things.

    I also greatly appreciated your class talk about the 5×5 and 5-3-1 programs and your explanation of how you would stick with them if you are making gains and how you would layoff when plateauing. I just plateaued with a 5×5 program and I was not sure what to do next.

    And finally, you mentioned that you weren’t getting paid for this audio clip from your hotel room but know that at least some of your listeners greatly appreciate you taking your own time to provide some words of wisdom for those in need of it. You will be rewarded in the end my friend, I am sending good karma your way! And I will be signing up for the Gainz Program when my current CrossFit membership ends!

    Keep up the great work over there at Barbell Shrugged!

  2. Steve

    I can’t get enough of competing. I tend to perform better when I have an audience. I love it.


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