How to Address Painful Movement w/ Dr. Dave Tilley and Dr. Dan Pope – Episode 216
Audio Version: Itunes
This week we interviewed Dave Tilley and Dan Pope, both doctors of physical therapy and all around fitness badasses.
I met Dave and Dan several years ago at the first power monkey camp I ever attended.
Dan did some work on me and since then I have always trusted his advice and opinions on any subject that involves movement. There’s nothing better than getting work done from someone who trains in the same sport as you and fully understands what you are trying to accomplish and trying to avoid.
For years I was telling the old crew how badly we needed to interview these two guys, so I’ve been waiting for this opportunity. I was blown away with the amount of knowledge they have and how well they can communicate fairly complex movement topics to the non expert.
They have a really simple way of analyzing and assessing movement and then communicating with the client how important it is and what simple things they can do to help work on it. But most importantly it’s very obvious how much they both know, yet remain open-minded and refused to act like they “know it all “
Being around experts in their field, even though they would probably never call themselves an “expert”, is so refreshing because we know that they are continuously trying to learn and hear an experiment with new methods. In this episode we talk about how important it is to remain open-minded in the field of movement and mobility because there is so much about the human body that is complex and remains unknown. A dogmatic approach is never way when it comes to continuously expanding your knowledge in the fitness world.
I hope you enjoy and be sure to check out the new product they just created.
Use the code “Shrugged” at checkout to save 20% here
I went through the whole thing cover to cover, watched every video, and I will use this resource for a very long time. It is a very simple and easy way to start with some basic assessment principles when it comes to strength, stability, mobility, and control. Along with a massive list of movements that can help correct these issues. If you have zero experience in assessment and designing accessory work in your programs, I think this is a great starting point if you want to start moving better yourself or for your clients.
For more:
- Follow Dan Pope (@fitnesspainfree) & Dave Tilley (@shiftmovementscience) on IG.
- You can find more from Dan Pope at Fitness Pain Free and Dave Tilley at Shift Movement Science.
- Be sure to check out Dan & Dave’s “Monkey Method Movement Essentials” Guide that was mentioned in this episode. They are hooking up our fans with 20% when using the code “Shrugged” at checkout. It’s case sensitive so don’t mess that up!
One Response to “How to Address Painful Movement w/ Dr. Dave Tilley and Dr. Dan Pope – Episode 216”
[…] Catch more from Dave Tilley and Dan Pope on Episode 216 “How to Address Painful Movement w/ Dr. Dave Tilley and Dr. Dan Pope”. […]